
About the film

The film Victor Fainberg. Madly in Dissent is an intimate portrait of one of the participants of the famous demonstration against the occupation of Czechoslovakia on Red Square on 25 August 1968. Filmmakers Kirill and Ksenia Sakharnov filmed this indomitable fighter for freedom and human rights at his home in France, where the nearly 90-year-old Fainberg tells his life story from his childhood in Kharkiv, Ukraine in the 1930s, to his rebellion against the Soviet regime, and his efforts in favour of the release of political prisoners to which he devoted himself in exile. The filmmakers have managed to incorporate into the film unique archival footage from Soviet, British and Czech archives. An important component of the film are the illustrations by artist Nyusia Krasovitskaya, granddaughter of Natalia Gorbanevskaya and Pavel Litvinov.

Reactions to the film

The whole world should know about the bravery of Soviet dissidents during communism. And the brilliant new film “Madly in dissent” is a great way for people to know more. It deserves to be screened widely.
Acclaimed British journalist Tom Gross


An illuminating testimony, an extraordinary portrait of an extraordinary personality. A personality who transcends all the usual parameters.
Ilya Rips, dissident, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem


A fascinating face, world view and an unmatched moral standard. Thanks to the filmmakers for for reminding us of this ethical standard.
Viktor Shenderovich, Russian writer, journalist and playwright in exile


In this film, you see the hero as a close friend, literally at an arm's length. It's an intimate emotional portrait. A portrait of a man who knows no fear, a hero from ancient myth.. 
Andrey Plakhov, Russian film critic, FIPRESCI member