

Ksenia Sakharovna

director, producer

Born in Warsaw.

2006 – graduated from All-Russian State University of Cinematography

(VGIK). Investigated the theme of Nazism and World War II in German cinema.

2006-09 – studied Polish and Czech languages.

From 2001 Ksenia worked as a film journalist for a number of magazines and Internet websites.

Since 2012, director (together with her husband Kirill Sakharnov) and producer of documentaries for the SugarDocs film production.

She has collaborated with a number of film festivals as a film selector.

Since 2018, she has been cooperating as a host and organizer of film screenings with the Gulag History Museum (Moscow), the Sakharov Center (Moscow) and the Yeltsin Center (Ekaterinburg).

Currently she lives in Poland.

Kirill Sakharnov

director, cinematographer, editor

Born in 1978 in Moscow.

Graduated from Peoples' Friendship University, history department (2000) and from All-Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) (2007).

Active in the field of film-making since 2006 as a director and editor.

Edited over 70 films.

In 2010 Kirill founded SugarDocs film production. The company specializes in documentary films on human rights issues acclaimed both by wide audiences and international festivals. The company's goal is making films that promote liberal values.

In 2013 he took part in the workshops for documentary filmmakers at the leading documentary film festival in Amsterdam IDFA.

In 2015 together with the author he presented the series “Parallels. Events. People” at the presentations in the Law Library of Congress and the Kennan Institute.

In 2016 Kirill studied digital editing in New York Film Academy (NYFA).

From 2018 he began to cooperate as an editor with the famous Russian independent newspaper “Novaya gazeta”. 

Since 2020, she has been teaching editing at international documentary film workshops.

Winner of the Moscow Helsinki Group Award in the category "for the defence of human rights through culture and art" for 2019.

Currently he lives in Poland.


“Madly in dissent” (2023, Czech Republic-Israel)
The fate and biography of the outstanding dissident Victor Fainberg.

«Natalia Gorbanevskaya: «I am not a hero» (2016, Russia, documentary, 75')
The film was made in memory of Natalia Gorbanevskaya.
New York film festival of Russian documentaries – special jury award “Faces of Russia”, Stalker Human Rights international film festival - special jury award.

“Parallels. Events. People” (web-series, 2013-2015, 36 episodes)
Author – Natella Boltyanskaya. The series is available in Russian and English on the “Voice of America” web site. As well as on the websites of the Moscow Helsinki Group, the Sakharov Center, the Institute of Human Rights and other human rights organizations in Russia and abroad.
The history of the human rights movement in the USSR and some aspects of the modern activities of civil society activists in Russia.

“Olya’s love” (Russia-Austria, documentary, 2014)
IDFA 2014 – premiere, participation in more than 25 international film festivals.
The history of a same-sex couple in Russia.

“Mamas, kids and the law” (2013, Russia, documentary, 52’).
Stalker Human Rights international film festival – special jury award from the Embassy of The Netherlands.
The story of the last adoption of a child from Russia to an American family.

“5 minutes of freedom” (2012, Russia, documentary, 86’)
The film about the participants of the legendary Red Square demonstration on August 25, 1968 and young civil rights activists in modern Russia.

“Stalin? Why not” (2010, Russia, documentary, 14’)
Stalin’s cult of personality in today’s Russia.


Kirill Sakharnov (Russia)

Oleg Mamonov (Russia)

Artem Digilov (Israel)

Roman Beaumont (France)


Ksenia Sakharnova (Russia)

Jarmila Poláková (Czechia)

Michael Grynszpan (Israel)